
This guide provides instructions for Members and Managers on how to retrieve, search, and manage items from the aCabinet Directory. It covers steps for accessing the latest Directory, using tags and search commands for efficient item location, and retrieving and saving items onto smartphones or laptops. Additionally, it offers tips for navigating the Directory and finding saved items using their ID numbers for quick reference.

Note - all commands can be written in upper or lowercase letters.


This section offers Members instructions on accessing and navigating the aCabinet Directory. It explains how to request the latest version via email and outlines the Directory's structure, which organizes items by ID number, tags, and subject. A tag-first sorting system is available for finding related items quickly. The guide also details how to perform tag-based or full-text searches, making it easier to locate specific items through email or using search functions on smartphones and laptops.

Retrieving the Directory

  • To retrieve the latest version of the directory, address an email to the aCabinet account, type 'Dir' or 'Directory' in the subject line and hit return.
  • Within two minutes you will receive back an email with the directory in the email body. Should the account hold more than 200 items, the directory will come in two parts split between two emails.

Directory overview

  • The directory displays items in a table by ID numbers, tags and subject. The ID number is in the first column, tags are in the next three columns and the subject of the item is in the last column. (Note - for some items the second or third tag column may be empty.) Scrolling through the directory is quick because it is in the email body.
  • The directory is sorted in alphabetical order by the first tag, followed by the next two tags and finally the subject.
  • The tag terms in the directory are shortened to just 4 characters to fit in the columns. For example, the tag term 'education' would be listed as 'educ' in the directory. A full spelling of each tag is provided in a tag list immediately above the directory.

Searching the Directory

  • Users can readily find items in the directory by using tags. The first column, the primary tag column, is in alphabetical order. If, for example, an item is tagged 'educ' in the first tag column, scroll down to find an item with 'educ' in this column and below it you will find all other 'educ' tagged items. Use the second and third columns for 'educ'-tagged items sorted by other additional tags. Alternately, users can find items in the directory by using the smartphone 'Search in mail' command or, on a laptop running Gmail, using the 'Search mail' command. (Note - in searching the directory by tag remember to use only 4-character searches.) For example, to find items that carry the 'viet', 'educ' and 'cost' tags, type in the 'Search in mail' command box 'viet educ cost'. Do not separate the search terms by commas. Hit return, then open the email message holding those search items to see them in the directory with the tag terms highlighted.
  • You can always search the subject column using text searches. Thus, you can type in 'vietnam' in your smartphone or laptop search box and items that carry 'vietnam' in the subject line will be highlighted when found in the directory.

Retrieving items from aCabinet

  • Use either the 'Sel' or 'Select' command.
  • Address a new email to the aCabinet account. Then, in the subject line, type 'Sel' or 'Select', add a hyphen (-), finally add the ID number of the item you want and hit return. For example, a Select command might look like this: 'Sel-153'. If you want more than one item, add more items after hyphens, thus: 'Sel-153-45-56-12'. Currently you can only group up to five ID numbers of items you want to retrieve using just one Select command. This means the following command, which holds six ID numbers, will not work: 'Sel-153-45-56-12-23-49'.
  • Within two minutes you should start to receive emails carrying the items as attachments. The email subject line will carry the ID number followed by the subject.

Saving items onto your smartphone or laptop

  • Open the email carrying the item, then open the attachment (the item).
  • Click the box with an upturned arrow icon at the top right.
  • Scroll down possible saving choices and select 'Save to Files'.
  • Click 'Save' in the top right corner.
  • Your item will now be saved in your default folder by ID number and subject.
  • Note - if you are using an iPhone and the item you are saving is a photo, after opening the photo hit three dots in the top right. Then select 'Share'. Then choose 'Save to Files' etc.

Finding items saved on your smartphone or laptop

  • Call up the directory, scroll-search or use the search commands to find your item or items. Note the ID numbers.
  • Then open the default folder on your phone or laptop that holds the saved items (which are all sorted by ID number in ascending order), perhaps opening a second screen for convenience (on a phone).
  • Quickly scroll down to find the saved items in the folder, matching the ID numbers with those in the Directory, and open the item(s) for viewing.

Filtering items via an email command

  • Create a new email and in the subject line type the term 'Filter' followed by a hyphen followed by your chosen filter term: for example, 'Filter-education'. Hit return. Using this example, aCabinet will return a table of all items that were found to have the tag 'education' in any of the tag fields. (Note – aCabinet stores tag terms as complete words, unlike the directory. Very important to note this.) Be sure to spell the tag term completely. When displayed in a table, however, the tags will have only four letters; in this example you will see 'educ' in the tag fields and not 'education'. The Filter command will not filter items based on finding the filter term in the subject field. In other words, you cannot filter items from text in the subject field.
  • You can filter based on as many as three tags. For two tags, you filter thus: 'Filter-term1-term2'. For three tags: 'Filter-term1-term2-term3'.
  • By referring to the filtered table, you can retrieve from aCabinet the filter items by ID number or find those stored on your device by ID number.

Filtering the Directory for items stored on one’s phone or laptop

  • Make sure you have a copy of the directory as an email on your device; call up a new directory, if not. If using an iPhone, in the 'Search in mail' box at the top type your tag search terms, each separated by a space (Note - on a laptop running Gmail, using the 'Search mail' box). You can search for as many as three tags. Each search term should be 4 letters long in order to match to the tag in the directory. For example: 'viet educ cost'. Hit return. You then will be given a list of emails that contain your search terms, typically starting with a recent directory. Open the directory to see items highlighted that match your search. Then, using the ID numbers in the row, open your default folder on your phone or laptop and locate the files by number.